Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Key to Great Romantic Relationships
by: Holly Stabin

I’ve been engaged 3 times - only married once. The first time was to my high school sweetheart - a few short weeks before the ceremony - right before his college graduation - he broke my heart. He left me for another man. Uh-huh, you heard that right. Suffice it to say, we made our way back to each other six years later and have maintained a platonic friendship for many years (we send birthday and holiday cards to each other).
The second time was a rebound off of the previous situation - what was I thinking???
This time there was a wedding - and just as I was about to divorce the guy 2 years later, I found out that my marriage wasn’t legal to begin with - so I got an anullment for sixty bucks.
I spent the next 10 years of my life dating a few guys but I never felt empowered in my relationships with them. Right before I moved out west, I was dating a guy who was 20 years older than myself. One Sunday afternoon, he sat me on his knee (like a daughter) and gave me the talk that I wish my own father had given me around age 14 or so. He taught me what I needed to know about how men think and how to maintain my own standards and self-esteem regarding dating relationships. (By the way, he’s a published author on relationships).
Let me tell you, my whole world changed after that afternoon. I learned that I now had the key to attract the types of relationships I desire - be they of a personal or of a business nature. No longer did I feel like a victim of romantic circumstances! I felt like a caterpillar who had just metamorphed into a monarch butterfly. To this day, when I remember to follow this advice, things always turn out great.
So, what I share in my book, Love & Diamonds In 90 Days ( is what I learned about harnessing my own power as a woman - especially as it relates to relationships. And, I show single women how to do the same thing for themselves. Many of my readers have applied this method to their lives and succeeded beyond their dreams!
When you truly understand and apply this key to great relationships, the world will treat YOU right.

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